Utah Tech University

About Dmail

Utah Tech University will no longer offer Dmail accounts for each current student or employee. Instead, each student and employee will have access to an @utahtech.edu email account. Due to Google usage changes and the name change, starting August 10th, 2022 no new Dmail accounts will be given out. Starting August 10th, 2022 all students and employees will be able to access @utahtech.edu email addresses. They can be accessed by going to https://mail.utahtech.edu. We still support Google apps excluding email and each current student and employee can continue to use Google services. Students and employees can access Google services by using their Digital-ID@utahtech.edu as the username.

All Dmail email services will be discontinued June 30th, 2024 and all other data will be deleted June 30th, 2025. Please transfer or download any files you would like to keep. Students and Employees can transfer their files to the Utahtech.edu Google Workspace for Education with the wizard built into Google. https://utahtech.edu/how-to/transfer-google-data-to-utah-tech/

For more information on student email go to: https://help.utahtech.edu/kb/article/26-student-email-faq/

Utah Tech sends communications and alerts to students regarding crucial information including, but not limited to, tuition payment reminders, enrollment reminders, campus activities and events, and security and health alerts. Before August 10th, 2022, all communications will go to the students Dmail account. On August 10th, 2022, all student communications will go to their @utahtech.edu email address. It is the responsibility of the student to check the correct email account for these communications and alerts. Students can change their preferred email for communications by going to https://my.utahtech.edu page and updating the preferred email.

For more information on Student Email go to: https://it.utahtech.edu/student-email-faq/


Please note that it is your responsibility to keep your “Preferred” email address current and accessible to you. You are responsible for ensuring that the “Preferred” address is being monitored and maintained by you on a regular basis.


To access @utahtech.edu email, go to:  https://mail.utahtech.edu


Closed all Holidays and Student Breaks.

Note: Please include your full name, student ID number, and phone number when contacting the Helpdesk.

The Help Desk

Email: helpdesk@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-879-4357

Office: Holland Building 2nd floor Library entrance